Academic Programmes

      • For students who matriculated in AY2015/2016 and AY2016/AY2017:

        The curriculum structure and requirements of the Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy) / Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy) with Honours Programme may be found in Tables 1 and 2 below.

        Table 1: BBA (ACC) Programme Requirements

        Modules Modular Credits (MCs) % Of Total MC Requirements
        (Please refer to the respective accordion below for more information on University Level Requirements).
        20 16.67%
        •  Major Requirements
        (a) 15 Core Modules (worth a total of 60 MCs)
        (b) 8 Accounting Essential Modules (worth a total of 32 MCs)
        92 76.67%
        Internship module (worth 4 MCs)*
        4 3.33%
        Unrestricted Electives (worth 4 MCs)
        4 3.33%
           TOTAL 120 100%

        Table 2: BBA(ACC Hons.) Programme Requirements

        Modules Modular Credits (MCs) % Of Total MC Requirements
        (Please refer to item h below for more information on University Level Requirements).
        20 12.5%
        •  Major Requirements
        (a) 15 Core Modules (worth a total of 60 MCs)
        (b) 13 Essential/Restricted Elective Modules
        –  8 Accounting Essential Modules (worth a total of 32 MCs)
        –  An Honours Dissertation (worth a total of 12 MCs) OR three dissertation replacement modules
        –  Compulsory Field Service Project (worth a total of 8 MCs)
        112 70%
        Internship module (worth 4 MCs)*
        4 2.5%
        Unrestricted Electives (worth 24 MCs)
        24 1 5%
           TOTAL 160  100%

        * In so far as the student reads an 8 MCs internship module (BI3002), 4 MCs of that would be mapped to the compulsory internship module and the other 4 MCs would be mapped to unrestricted electives. For more information, please refer here.

        For students who matriculated in AY2014/2015:

        The curriculum structure and requirements of the Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy) / Bachelor of Business Administration (Accountancy) with Honours Programme may be found in Tables 1 and 2 below.

        Table 1: BBA(ACC) Programme Requirements

        Modules Modular Credits (MCs) % Of Total MC Requirements
        (Please refer to the respective accordion below for more information on University Level Requirements).
        20 16.67%
        •  Major Requirements
        (a) 15 Core Modules (worth a total of 60 MCs)
        (b) 8 Accounting Essential Modules (worth a total of 32 MCs)
        92 76.67%
           TOTAL 120 100%

        Table 2: BBA (ACC Hons.) Programme Requirements

        Modules Modular Credits (MCs) % Of Total MC Requirements
        (Please refer to the respective accordion below for more information on University Level Requirements).
        20 12.5%
        •  Major Requirements
        (a) 15 Core Modules (worth a total of 60 MCs)
        (b) 13 Essential/Restricted Elective Modules
        –  8 Accounting Essential Modules (worth a total of 32 MCs)
        –  An Honours Dissertation (worth a total of 12 MCs) OR three dissertation replacement modules
        –  Compulsory Field Service Project (worth a total of 8 MCs)
        112 70%
           TOTAL 160  100%

        To fulfil the requirements of the BBA(ACC)/BBA(ACC Hons.) programme as well as to satisfy all the coursework requirements for the professional Accountant qualification, the 120/160 MCs read by BBA(ACC)/BBA(ACC Hons.) students will consist of the modules listed in the following accordions.

      • For students who matriculated before AY2017/2018:

        There are 15 Core Modules (worth 4 MCs each) in the BBA(ACC) programme as shown in the table below.

           Module Code    Module Title
         Analytical Core
           BSP1005    Managerial Economics
           BSP2001    Macro and International Economics
           DSC2008    Business Analytics – Data & Decisions
         Functional Core
           MNO1001    Management and Organisation
           ACC1002    Financial Accounting
           MKT1003    Marketing
           BSP1004    Legal Environment of Business
           ACC1006    Accounting Information System
           ACC2002    Managerial Accounting
           FIN2004    Finance
           BSP2005    Asian Business Environments
           DSC2006    Operations Management
           BSP3001    Strategic Management
         Leadership Core
           MNO2007    Leadership and Ethics
           ES2002    Business Communication
      • For students who matriculated before AY2017/2018:

        There are 8 accounting essential modules (worth 4 MCs each) as shown in the table below:

           Module Code    Module Title
           ACC3601    Corporate Accounting & Reporting
           ACC3603    Assurance and Attestation
           ACC3604    Corporate and Securities Law
           ACC3605    Taxation
           ACC3606    Advanced Corporate Accounting & Reporting
           ACC3614    Valuation
           ACC3616    Corporate Governance and Risk Management
           ACC3619    Integrated Perspectives in Accounting and Business

        In addition to the above, the following accounting elective modules listed in the table maybe offered. Do note that this list in not exhaustive. Unrestricted electives do not need to be from accounting.

           Module Code    Module Title
           ACC3602    Managerial Planning and Control
           ACC3613    Advanced Assurance and Attestation
           ACC3615    Accounting Theory
           ACC4611    Advanced Taxation
           ACC4612    Seminars in Accounting
           ACC4615    Advanced Assurance and Attestation
           ACC4616    Accounting Theory
      • For students who matriculated before AY2017/2018:

        Honours students have to take another 40 MCs worth of modules that will include an Honours Dissertation (12 MCs), compulsory Field Service Project (8 MCs) and another 20 MCs of Unrestricted Elective requirements. Please see the BBA(ACC Hons.) programme table above for details.

        For more information on Honours dissertation and Field service project, please click on the links below:

      • For students who matriculated before AY2017/2018:

        The School has been organising seminars and workshops to help students prepare for the working world. They will learn job search strategies, resume writing, interviewing skills, understanding one’s strengths and job motivations, networking techniques as well as business etiquette and corporate dressing. Such training is now offered to all business students as the BFS1001 Personal Development & Career Management and BFS2001 Personal Development & Career Management modules.

      • For students who matriculated in AY2015/2016 or later, 4 MCs of the required Unrestricted Electives have been ring-fenced for the compulsory internship module.

        Students are highly encouraged to pursue a second specialisation, major or minor with the Unrestricted Elective Modules. Under this component, students may take any modules to fulfil their Unrestricted Elective Modules requirement. That is, they may take modules offered by the School of Business and/or modules offered outside the School to fulfil this requirement.

      • BBA(ACC) and BBA(ACC Hons.) students must also complete an accounting or finance-related internship. For students who matriculated in AY2015/2016 or later, this will constitute 4 MCs from the unrestricted elective module requirements.
      • For students who matriculate before AY2017/18, please refer here for more details under the specialisations tab, as similar requirements apply.
      • The University Level Requirement (ULR) is a graduation requirement which comprises General Education aimed to connect disciplinary knowledge and perspectives with the skills needed for lifelong learning beyond the university.

        For cohort 2015/16 onwards:
        All students are required to read and pass five General Education (GE) modules, one from each pillar:
        1.            Human Cultures
        2.            Asking Questions
        3.            Quantitative Reasoning
        4.            Singapore Studies
        5.            Thinking and Expression

        Students are strongly encouraged to complete the GE modules within the first two years of their candidature.

        For cohorts 2010/11 to 2014/15 and before:
        The ULR consists of
        (a) 2 General Education (GE) Modules,
        (b) 1 Singapore Studies module and
        (c) 2 Breadth modules (i.e. electives outside Business School)

        GE Modules cover two broad subject groups:
        Subject Group A: Science and Technology
        Subject Group B: Humanities and Social Sciences

        BBA(ACC) students are required to read at least one GE Module from Subject Group A, including polytechnic diploma holders who are granted advanced placement for one GE Module.

        For more information on Advanced Placement Credits (APC), please click here.
      • For students who matriculated before 2014, please click here for curriculum details.