Dean's List
Criteria for the award of Dean’s List (with effect from Semester 1 of AY2023/24):
Students will be ranked amongst their cohorts according to the respective year of admission into NUS and based on their Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)See note (b) obtained in the semester under review. Students with good academic standing and have no disciplinary record against them will be placed on the Dean’s List if they meet the following conditions:
(1) Ranked within the top 5% of their cohorts based on their SGPA.
(2) Have a minimum SGPA of 4.50.
(3) Completed at least 16 Units of letter-graded courses See note(c).
(4) Passed all courses (including non letter-graded courses).
(5) Double degree programme students must complete at least 16 Units of letter-graded courses, with at least 12 Units of letter-graded courses counting towards the undergraduate degree offered by the NUS Business School.
(6) The same criteria will apply to students whether or not in their graduating semester.
(a) Students will not be considered for the award of Dean’s List in their first year of study (that is, two semesters) at the University.
(b) SGPA refers to the SGPA score computed after the SU declaration exercise.
(c) Letter-graded courses refer to courses with grades that will contribute to the SGPA computation after the SU declaration exercise (such as grades A+, A, A-, B+, B, etc) but exclude courses with grades CS/CU/S/U/IP/IC.
Click here to view the Dean’s List Awardees.