Academic Programmes

The NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) programme is all about providing you with the entrepreneurial experience that you need to start-up your own journey. Gain access to over 15 global entrepreneurial hotspots, take on the role of an entrepreneur at innovative start-ups, while attending courses at our renowned partner universities. Be empowered with the know-how and skill sets you need to make a change in the world today!

Students selected for the programme will do internship at innovative start-ups in the world’s leading entrepreneurial hubs: Silicon Valley and New York in the United States, Toronto in Canada, Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen in China, Stockholm in Sweden, Munich in Germany, Israel, Nagoya in Japan, and Southeast Asia (Singapore, Indonesia and Vietnam). At the same time, students will be taking entrepreneurship classes at reputable and prestigious universities, namely Stanford University, University of Toronto, Fudan University, Peking University, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Technical University of Munich, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Reichman University and others.

Biz students going for the NOC programmes should read this before application.

For more information on the various NOC Locations, visit us at:

The programme aims to cultivate and nurture students into enterprising, resourceful, and independent self-starters and eventually become successful entrepreneurs. Through this unique immersive experience, students get the opportunity to immerse themselves in innovative and fast-paced start-up culture, acquire entrepreneurial skills, and establish business and personal networks. Apply now!

For more information about NOC programme, please visit

Contact Us
NUS Overseas Colleges
21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
Level 5 Singapore 119613
Tel: +65 6516 8063