Student Experience

The NUS Business School’s Student Exchange Programmes (SEP) is one of the most vibrant and dynamic facets of student community life, which adds much international flavour to the academic experience.

Twice yearly, we send our BBA and MBA students around the world on exchange with our 120+ partner universities and schools offering more than 400 places for BBAs. Students typically spend one semester abroad taking courses worth up to 24 Units (6 courses) in their 2nd or 3rd year. During term time, we regularly have about 200 exchange students mingling with our undergraduate Bizaders.

An integral part of the business curriculum is for students to gain valuable international experience in their exciting and enriching sojourn overseas. Such a stint invariably proves its worth as advantageous career preparation.

Students who participate in the exchange programme have the opportunity to experience a different learning environment. At the same time, they get to develop certain life skills during the exchange semester. This experience will also enable them to develop an awareness and appreciation of other cultures, as well as broaden their outlook and approach to doing business.

Please refer to the various scholarships, awards, grants and loans currently available to NUS students going on exchange, especially NUS Awards for Study Abroad (NASA).