Student Experience

In addition to the regular semester Student Exchange Programme, students can also participate in the Summer/Winter Programmes to gain international exposure. The Summer Programmes will take place during the school vacation from middle of May to late July. Each Summer Programme will last from 3 weeks to 6 weeks. The Winter Programmes will take place in December. For Winter Programmes that extend into the new academic semester in NUS, application for LOA will NOT be approved.

List of Summer Programmes Administered by NUS Business School

  1. International Summer University Program – Copenhagen Business School (6 weeks)
  2. Bachelor European Summer Programme – WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management (3 weeks)


Application for Summer/Winter Programmes

From February each year, emails will be sent to business students who are eligible to apply for the Summer Programmes administered by NUS Business School.

Students can also check out the NUS Global Website regularly for instructions on how to apply for each Summer/Winter Programme administered by NUS Global.

Please note that:

  1. Summer/Winter Programmes which are less than three (3) weeks (21 days) do NOT qualify for credit transfer
  2. Summer/Winter Programmes conducted online/hybrid do NOT qualify for credit transfer
  3. Course mapping does NOT equate to credit transfer in these summer/winter programmes
  4. NUS Business School does not support Summer/Winter Programmes which extend into the new academic semester in NUS, and application for LOA to attend these programmes will NOT be approved
  5. Students MUST return to NUS for the final semester of their degree.


Course Mapping Timeline and Procedure

Course mapping processing for Summer Programmes will begin from 15 March. Course mapping processing for Winter Programmes will begin from 15 September. 

Please click here for more information on the Business Course Mapping Procedure.


Credit Transfer for Summer/Winter Programme Courses

With effect from AY2018/19 (August 2018 to July 2019)

  • Maximum of 2 courses (up to 10 Units) can be mapped for Summer Programmes that are at least 4 weeks long
  • Maximum of 1 course (up to 5 Units) can be mapped for Summer/Winter Programmes that are 3 weeks long

A total of 12 Units (3 courses) from a maximum of 2 overseas Summer/Winter Programmes can be mapped without having to pay NUS tuition fees. Additional units mapped will be subject to special term fees.

Students are required to obtain course mapping approval prior to the start of the Summer/Winter Programme if they would like to transfer back the units earned. Upon completion of the Summer/Winter Programme, they will need to submit the official transcript to the Student Exchange Team, Undergraduate Studies Office by 15 April or 15 October for credit transfer.

Similar to the Student Exchange Programme, courses taken during the Summer/Winter Programmes must be graded even though they are not considered for computation into the GPA.

All Summer/Winter programmes are expected to take place in person; online/hybrid programmes will not be considered.

Please refer to for the number of non-graded courses students can do in their degree programme.

Students are to take note that units will only be transferred for Summer/Winter Programmes administered by NUS i.e., the Business School, GRO, or other non-business faculties. If the Summer/Winter Programme is offered by a reputable overseas university but NOT administered by NUS, credit transfer is NOT allowed.