Student Experience


Outgoing Students

General SEP Timeline
Semester 1 Exchange Semester 2 Exchange Activity
October/ November May/ June Eligible student notified by Undergraduate Studies Office to apply for SEP in myEduRec
End January July Notification of SEP application outcome
End March End August Attend SEP briefing, collect SEP Certification Letter
Mid-February to March Mid-July to August Students going to USA to receive application instruction from the SEP partner universities
Mid-March to April September to end-October Students going to Canada, Europe, Asia & Oceania to receive application instruction from the SEP partner universities
April to September October to February Submit Course Mapping Worksheets
End December End May/ June Completion of SEP
March October Submit SEP transcript to the Undergraduate Studies Office for credit transfer if receive transcript directly from the SEP partner universities
(most of the partner universities will send the transcripts directly to the Undergraduate Studies Office)
End April End November Verify credit transfer in myEduRec


Summer / Winter Programmes Timeline
Summer Programme Winter Programme Activities
January onwards August onwards – NUS Global puts up list of programmes on the website
– Students apply in EduRec-GE
– Students apply directly to the Partner Universities.
February N.A – NUS Business School emails students about business school-administered summer programmes
– Students apply in EduRec-GE.
– Selected students apply to the business school Partner Universities.
15 March to July 15 September to December – Students submit course mapping request in EduRec
August to 15 October February to 15 April – Students email Official Transcript to Undergraduate Studies Office for Credit Transfer Processing
30 November 31 May – Completion of Credit Transfer Processing

– Students to verify Credit Transfer in EduRec


Course Mapping Processing Timeline
January to March For students on SEP in the current semester (Sem 2)
15 March to July For students going on Summer Programmes
April to September For students going on SEP in Semester 1
October to February For students going on SEP in Semester 2
15 September to December For students going on Winter Programmes


Courses which have been approved on the Pre-Approved List are subject to change, for instance due to syllabus changes.

  1. Course mapping requests will NOT be processed if the submission in myEduRec is ahead of the above timeline (i.e., mapping requests submitted between January & March for SEP in Semester 1 or Summer Programmes will NOT be processed. Students have to re-submit their request from April onwards.)
  2. For courses that are already approved on the pre-approved Course Mapping List in myEduRec, students are to ensure that they enter the course CODE and TITLE accurately. This is to facilitate AUTOMATIC approval performed by the system. Any deviation from the List will not be recognised by the system.


Business Course Mapping Procedure

Please be guided by “Submit Course Mappings for External Study Program” User Guide on NUS Student Portal. The Course Mapping Worksheet will be routed to the faculty/school that offers the NUS course for review.

For mapping to NUS Business School courses,

  1. Select courses offered by the Partner University (PU).
  2. Search the pre-approved Course Mapping List in myEduRec for the list of courses that had been pre-approved to NUS Business School courses.
    • If the PU course is found in the List, please submit a Course Mapping Worksheet. All details on the Worksheet must be complete. It will be auto-approved.
    • If the PU course is not found in the List,
      1. compare the PU course outline with BIZ course outlines, and proceed to steps b. and c. only if there are significant syllabus match
      2. email the detailed PU course outline in a Word document using this template (one-course mapping per word document) to the SEP Coordinator*. Professor relies on this document to review the request.
        • Click here for mapping 1 PU course to 1 NUS course template
        • Click here for mapping 2 PU courses to 1 NUS course template
        • Click here for a sample
      3. submit a Course Mapping Worksheet in myEduRec.
      4. the outcome will be updated in the Course Mapping Worksheet.
  3. Students are encouraged to submit a maximum 5 mapping requests at one time, and only when they are certain that they would like to take the courses in the PU. The course mapping processing will be delayed for students who exceeded 5 requests.
  4. The onus is on the student to fulfill/adhere to the pre-requisite/preclusion (if any) of the mapped equivalent NUS course.


*SEP Coordinators by Region:


Summer Programmes

General Summer Programme Timeline
December to March Apply for Summer Programmes
April to July Submit course mappings
October Submit Summer Programme transcript to the Undergraduate Studies Office for credit transfer if receive transcript directly from the partner universities
30 November Verify credit transfer in myEduRec
  • Summer/Winter Programmes which are less than 3 weeks long (21 days) DO NOT qualify for credit transfer
  • As NUS Business School does not support Summer/Winter Programmes which extend into a new academic semester in NUS, an application for LOA to attend such programmes will NOT be approved.


Summer Programme Course Mapping Processing Timeline
January to March For students on SEP in the current semester (Sem 2)
April to July For students going on Summer Programmes
April to September For students going on SEP in Semester 1
October to February For students going on SEP in Semester 2
November to December For students going on Winter Programmes


  • Refer to “Business Course Mapping Procedure” on this page.
  • Course mapping requests will NOT be processed if the submission in myEduRec is ahead of the above timeline (i.e., mapping requests submitted between January & March for SEP in Semester 1 or Summer Programmes will NOT be processed. Students have to re-submit their request from April onwards.)
  • For courses that are already approved on the Pre-Approved List in myEduRec, students are to ensure that they enter the course CODE and TITLE accurately. This is to facilitate AUTOMATIC approval performed by the system. Any deviation from the Pre-Approved List will not be recognised by the system and will be routed to the administrators for manual check, thus delaying the approval process.