Recorded Live Videos
Accountancy Specials
Find out how the accountancy has evolved with the advent of data analytics and AI, and how the NUS Accountancy programme continues to gear its students to the times. Our professors and the Singapore Accountancy Commission share the importance of accountancy to Singapore and the global economy. Also, understand why NUS does not have a double degree in business and accountancy, and what the journey towards being a Chartered Accountant in Singapore entails.
Ask our Dean’s anything
Get up close with the Deans of the Business and Accountancy programmes as they answer crucial questions about applying to NUS BIZ, concurrent/double degrees, as well as majors and minors.
NUS Business Students’ (BIZAD) Club Freshman Orientation Projects Sharing
Can’t wait to make new friends in Uni? Our BIZAD Club committee folks share the exciting line-up of freshmen orientation projects for the year!
Hear from our students!
From what the classroom experience is like, to living on campus, to global immersion programmes and student life, our students and recent alumni share their NUS BIZ journey and get candid with their thoughts and reflections.
Meet Our Professors!
Explore the seven different BIZ specialisations with our professors! Hear them debunk myths on what “common” career pathways are for these specialisations and get advice about how to pick a specialisation, or two! Also, find out how the BBA experience is designed with current world trends and greater employability in mind.
Discover Our Concurrent Degree & MSc Programmes
Learn how you can pair your business degree with a masters degree designed to help recent graduates gain a competitive advantage in today’s increasingly competitive global job market.